Caring Is Creepy
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 3:12 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Oh, Inverted World
Song Author
James Mercer
File Size
64 KB
I think I'll go home . and
mull this o-ver
'til I cram it down my throat.
Atlong last its crashed,
its col-los-sal mass
has bro-ken up in-to bits in mymoat.
Rip the mattress off the floor,
walk the cramps off ,
go meander in the cold.
Heavy and dark skinned ,
hiding the fact you're dead again,
un-der-neath the po-wer lines seeking shade.
Far a-bove our heads are the icy heights that contain all reason.
Its a lus-cious mix of words and tricks
that let us bet
when we know we should fold
On rocks I dreamt of where we stepped
and of the whole mess of roads
we're now on.